COVID-19 Notice


H.E.A.R.S. Audiology cares about the safety and comfort of our patients as well as our employees. We continue to monitor events with COVID-19 and continue to implement safety procedures, as necessary. For your safety and others, please call to reschedule your appointment if you or those around you are feeling sick.

For all patients, and particularly for those who are not yet comfortable coming into the office, we are still offering contact-less “curbside” and “dropbox” services for hearing aid clean and checks, repairs, and supply pick-ups. We also offer telehealth services which may include consultation by telephone, video conferencing, or remote programming for compatible hearing devices. Please call the office to arrange an appointment for a telehealth visit.

Contact-less services include:

  • Hearing aid clean & checks
  • Computer-based hearing aid adjustments and reprogramming
  • Hearing aid repairs
  • Batteries and other supplies may be picked up (with call-ahead service), or mailed to patients.
  • Initial fitting of new hearing aids (for those who are experienced hearing aid users)
  • We are able to service hearing aids from the following manufacturers: Phonak, Oticon, Signia, Starkey, ReSound, Widex, and Sonic.

Remote support and telehealth services include:

  • Phone support to troubleshoot issues with hearing aids and/or charging
  • Phone support for Bluetooth connectivity issues or questions
  • Phone and email support for app connectivity and usage
  • Phone and email support for scheduling, cancelling, or rescheduling appointments
  • Computer-based hearing aid adjustments can be done remotely for patients wearing compatible hearing aids. You must have an email address, a device with a camera and microphone access (e.g., smartphone, tablet, or computer), the hearing aid manufacturer’s application installed on your device, and a strong Wifi connection.

If you need to schedule, cancel, or reschedule an appointment, please contact us by phone at (631) 360-4327 or by email at info@hearsny.comand please check our website periodically for updates.

As always, thank you for allowing us to assist with your hearing healthcare needs.

Be safe and stay healthy.

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